July in review, August 2020


July ~ 8 of Cups

The month of July asked us to look around at our lives and commitments. We were asked see all the things that are no longer working—that no longer serve. This moment prompted us to begin the process of packing our bags and walking away from things that we’ve spent time, energy, and emotion on—to walk away from things we’ve poured our care and ourselves into. This journey begins with the realization that we’ve outgrown what lies around us and that these vehicles, projects, frameworks are too small to handle all of our potential. This laying to rest and turning to move on is often the first stem into a blossoming of self, expanding into new opportunities, and of setting off into the promising unknown. But there is grief here too. It’s okay to honor the loss, to take time to mourn what we are leaving behind. Joy and excitement can exist alongside grief and mourning. We hold all of these feelings in this card as we bravely acknowledge and say yes to ourselves and our own expansion.


August ~ Ace of Pentacles 

As we move into August, we begin anew. We begin anew from a place grounded in our intuition and start to move in the knowledge of our soul. This is the fertilizer for the seed from which we will blossom. Where are you now? Who are you now, in this moment? Having looked around you, where are you moving to? The answers are there, inside you. Take the first step. This month will ask us to check in with ourselves, to consider our own knowing and the commitment we’ve made to move forward in growth. What do you have to offer? It’s no longer enough to live to scrape by; bring yourself along and ask how you can serve those around you. Ask for what you need in order to make yourself more available to others than you were able to be before. You have so much to give. Don’t hold back. 

*“Many Queens Tarot” deck by Lettie Jane Rennekamp


EM (she/her) is a highly attuned empath, intuitive claircognizant, and tarot interpreter. Trained in cultural criticism, she holds an M.A. in Visual and Cultural Studies from the University of Rochester. Her academic work involved feminism in film, sexual textuality, queer temporality, and medieval mysticism. Presently based on Tongva land (Long Beach, CA), her emergent project, Cloister Mysticism, arose in response to the psychic violence of capitalism and from the desire to enlarge & reclaim access to healing and self-empowerment. 


September 2020